10. Development flow

Here is an overview of the development flow used in the SOO framework development.

  • Current/latest version of the framework is available in the master branch.

  • The development activities are done in a specific branch. An issue is linked with each development branches.

  • Once the development of a new feature has completed, the developer create a merge request. The changes are reviewed and then merged into the master branch by the SOO framework maintainers.

The gitFlow figures shows this flow.

Periodically, the maintainers publish a major release of the SOO framework. For a new version, the following steps are performed:

  • The main new features has been re-tested

  • The CHANGELOG file is updated with the new release information (release number, description of the main add-on to the framework, …)

  • A tag with the version number is created

10.1. Development

For the development of new features or improvements, a new branch has to be created. It should not be any development done directly in the master branch. Each new topic has to have is own branch. Branches are not reused.

An issue should be linked with each branch (an issue per branch). This issue should provide:

  • A description of what is addressed

  • (Optional) Information on the advancement of this topic, issues found, explanation of the implementation, …

The issue is automatically closed after the development branch is merged of in the master branch.


Issue can be (should be) created to document problems, improvement found using the framework without having to create a branch.

The branch can be created when the issue is addressed

10.1.1. Create new issue & branch

To create a branch with an associated issue:

  1. Create a new issue. The doc from gitlab: Create a new issue

  2. Create the branch from the issue. The doc from gitlab: Create a new branch from an issue

10.1.2. Merge in Master

Once the development of a specific topic has completed and been tested, it has to be integrated in the master branch. It is done by creating a merge request.

By creating a merge request, a developer asks SOO maintainers to:

  • Do a review of the modifications

  • Performs the merge

The creation of a merge request is simple:

  1. Form the issue page in gitlab, click Create merge request button

  2. Validate the creation of the merge request in the new Windows

Merge request official doc.

10.2. Documentation


The Documentation of a new feature shall be part of the feature Merge Request.

The issue #30 Documentation Update, with its related branch (30-documentation-update), can be use for documentation update, improvement.

The flow is the following:

  • Select and update 30-documentation-update branch

$ git fetch --all
$ git checkout 30-documentation-update
$ git rebase origin/master
  • Update the documentation and push the modification

$ git push --force
  • Update the issue with info on modification made

  • Create a Merge Request


Ideally, there is only one commit per changes. If, for some reasons, it is not possible, please inform the dev team to lock this branch.